Yes, I know what time it is. Maybe this will help with my blasted insomnia...
Ten Favorites
Season: Fall
Color: green
Time: 3am
Food: Thai
Drink: lemonade or beer
Ice Cream: strawberry
Place: mountains
Sport: football or hockey
Nine Currents
Feeling: tired but not sleepy
Drink: water
Time: 4:13 am
Show on TV: VH1 videos
Mobile Used: Verizon
Windows open: none
Clothes: Pajamas
Thought: I wish I could fall asleep!
Eight Firsts
Nickname: Beeper/Bee
Kiss: mom or dad ?
Crush: Derek Wilhoum in kindergarten
Best Friend: Erin DeYoung
Vehicle I owned: 1987 Ford Mustang
Job: babysitter
Date: Jason VanGoor in college
Pet: Molly the cat
Seven Lasts
Drink: Water
Kiss: Mom and Dad when they left on Monday
Meal: Burrito
Web Site Visited: Yahoo mail
Movie Watched: Ladder 49
Phone Call: Mike
TV Watched: Night Rider re-runs
Six Have You Evers
Broken the Law: Yes - stealing road signs
Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Not that I know of
Been in the Middle of/Close to Gunfire: Nope
Skinny Dipped: Not yet!
Broken Someone's Heart: Maybe...
Five Things:
You Hear Right Now: ceiling fan, TV
On Your Bed: Sheets, quilt and pillows
Things You Ate Today: cheese and crackers, burrito, grapes
Things You Do When Bored: take walks, read, watch TV
Things You Do For Comfort: talk to friends, journal, watch favorite movies
Four Places You Have Been Today:
home, car, work, home
Three Things on Your Desk Right Now:
Jelly Bellies
paper clips
Two Choices:
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Spring or summer: Spring
One Place You Want to Visit: