Monday, July 16, 2007

HP minus 5!

Very interesting. Bob and I are going to see the movie tonight (after sushi, of course)!

What Harry Potter Character are You?

Harry Potter

You are an outgoing, fun person. You like taking charge and you're a leader. You would do anything to help someone in need and you don't understand why everyone is so infatuated with you.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quizquiz


Katie said...

Uh, yeah. Sorry, B, but I'm not infatuated with you. But you definitely do like to take charge!

MLE said...

Just so you know, I was Hermione too. I was a little surprised. I knew I wasn't a Harry Potter type, but I thought I'd get something sinister like Snape or something -- after all, he's a teacher too. However, I did it honestly. Next time I'll try to skew the results!