Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Blizzard

Last Wednesday and Thursday Denver had one of the top-10 blizzards of all time. The official total out by my house was 37 inches! Needless to say, I was stuck at the hospital working for a couple days.

But when I got home on Friday morning, I had to shovel the 3 feet of snow in the driveway so I could get out and go back to work that night. It was very tiring...



There's just enough room there for my car to get out. I'm counting on the sun to help me out with the rest!

However, we were looking at the weather online at work last night and groaned when we saw the next big storm heading our way. They say it's following the exact same track as the last one did and might dump another big load of snow on us. Not exactly what I had planned for my week. It's supposed to start on Thursday into Friday - the exact time I'll be working again. Great - another overnighter in the ER. I guess we'll just have to keep an eye on this one...


Shirley & Paul said...

I sure had trouble leaving a comment.
It did not want to open a space for me to do that. Looks like you are having a relaxing time.....good....now that the painting is finished. Looks nice.

Shirley & Paul said...

Beth.....as you can tell, that comment was to go to your parents. Snow looks pretty with the sunshine on it! I hope that you are a skier.
Carmen and Steve would love that snow!Take care out there in the wilderness!
We just have rain and temps in the 30's-40's.
Aunt Shirley

Katie said...

Yikes! How long did that take? Are you saving for a snowblower now?

B said...

That was 3 hours worth of shoveling! And only half the driveway is done. Unfortunately, there aren't any snowblowers or shovels around to buy. And with that much snow a blower wouldn't be very effective. Bummer...

Gayle and Rob said...

My back aches for you! Pretty sky, though. Are you going to work the piles back a bit before the next storm?