Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Zoo!

Today Jessica and I took Benjamin to the zoo! He loves the animals and I'd forgotten what a great zoo we have here in Denver. It was kinda hot so we only stayed for a couple hours - long enough to get our fix of the wild kingdom before Benjamin got too tired!

Looking for the otters - they were hiding in the cool shade and didn't want to come out and play. But Benjamin was diligent in his search!


Benjamin is pretty content to find his own entertainment - mostly involving sticks and plants (such a little boy). Our entertainment came when we bought Icees - he kept switching sides of the bench to get bites from Jessica and me. It was quite cute to see him run back and forth and then get a cold/sour pucker look on his face - over and over again!

I rather enjoyed the juxtaposition of this picture - the wild giraffe up against a very urban brick wall. Kind of amusing.

Jessica is quite pregnant (37 1/2 weeks!) and very ready for their next little boy to arrive. I hung out with Benjamin some more when we got home, stayed for dinner - thanks Justin! - and helped put Benjamin to bed. I'm loving the stage that he's in right now. Very determined to tell us everything that's going on in a language we can't even begin to comprehend. Very cute. I can't wait to see how he reacts to a new baby brother!


Gayle and Rob said...

Benjamin is so cute! And your animal pictures are wonderful. The colors have such great contrast. In both of them the patterns are what I liked. The giraffe tiles against the rectangles of the bricks and the zebra stripes against the foliage. Did you see all that when you took the picture? Looks like you had a fun day. Take good care of Jessica.

the masts: justin, jessica, benjamin and philip said...

Yeah! I love the pics. I thought I should comment so you know that I check your blog! ;)

Have fun with the sibs and hopefully I'll have a little boy to introduce! If not, I'll just greet you with a bigger belly... is that possible?!