Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This one's for Em...

So the other day I went to Kid to Kid - a children's consignment shop - for some things for Joshua. The lady at the counter asked me if I wanted to be on the mailing list for coupons and things and I said sure. I packed up my things and went home, where I looked at the receipt.

The address was printed like this: leweesianna cir. I kid you not. And this girl had to have been in her 20's! I'm with ya on this one Em - it was pretty pathetic. Although I did chuckle a little...

It's been bitter cold here - when I got off work on Monday morning my car thermometer said the temp outside was -11. Yuck. Luckily today was much more balmy in the 30's. But I think it's supposed to snow again this weekend. Oh joy. I can't wait to get down to Florida!


MLE said...

Thanks B! It is so annoying isn't it? Sometimes I wonder if ignorgance just grows like mold in places. I've also been fighting a new battle--kids who purposely write posters around school that are grammatically incorrect, but don't realize that what they think is a joke is propagating more ignornance. When you write "freshmans" on a poster, even if you know it's wrong and think it's funny--I get papers where 75% of the kids think that is the right way. Is this a losing battle?

Gayle and Rob said...

Wut a awlfel spiler! Shee surtenlee iz discombobbleated!
By the way, Em, the Kevin Kline character in The Emperor's Club says this great line to the class jerk, "Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever." It's OK with me if you use it on your freshmens...but you might want to run it by the chief first.